giovedì 27 settembre 2012

SafeBox encrypted v1.8 has been released on Google play market !

SafeBox encrypted v1.8 has been released on Google play market with new important features !

New features:
  • Copy to clipboard. With a long touch on a list item is now possible to copy the item content to the system clipboard by the new contextual menu.
  • Backup of the data archive to the SD card file system in an encrypted file.
  • Restore of the data archive from the SD card file system.
  • Restore of an "SafeBox encrypted free"  data archive from the sd card file system.
  • (The working folder for the SafeBox backups is "SafeBoxEncrypted/backups", is the same for the free and the full version of SafeBox encrypted).



SafeBox encrypted

SafeBox encrypted free (limited version)