lunedì 10 dicembre 2012

SoloTablet intervista SPLTEK

SoloTablet si occupa di fare informazione su tutto quello che ruota attorno al mondo dei tablet, con particolare attenzione all'integrazione di questi dispositivi fra gli strumenti di lavoro per l'impresa.
Per capire meglio come si muove il mondo delle app, SoloTablet ha pubblicato una serie di interviste ad alcuni sviluppatori mobile italiani.

Oggi è stata pubblicata anche l'intervista a SPLTEK.

Un ringraziamento particolare va a Carlo Mazzucchelli, fondatore di SoloTablet sia per gli spunti di riflessione proposti nell'intervista, sia per  il lavoro che sta svolgendo sul suo portale che è sempre molto ricco di contenuti interessanti.

giovedì 27 settembre 2012

SafeBox encrypted v1.8 has been released on Google play market !

SafeBox encrypted v1.8 has been released on Google play market with new important features !

New features:
  • Copy to clipboard. With a long touch on a list item is now possible to copy the item content to the system clipboard by the new contextual menu.
  • Backup of the data archive to the SD card file system in an encrypted file.
  • Restore of the data archive from the SD card file system.
  • Restore of an "SafeBox encrypted free"  data archive from the sd card file system.
  • (The working folder for the SafeBox backups is "SafeBoxEncrypted/backups", is the same for the free and the full version of SafeBox encrypted).



SafeBox encrypted

SafeBox encrypted free (limited version)

sabato 12 maggio 2012

SafeBox encrypted v1.6 has been released on Google play market !

SafeBox encrypted v1.6 has been released on Google play market !

New features:

  • Notification Icon: this icon notifies the user when the app is authenticated and running. You can push the "Home" button and open another app, Safebox encrypted will run in background. You can close the app using the "Back" button or the "Exit" button in the app menu
  • Improved usability

SafeBox encrypted

SafeBox encrypted free (limited version)

lunedì 26 marzo 2012

SafeBox encrypted v1.5 has been released !

Hi everyone,
SafeBox encrypted v1.5 has been released on Google play market !

New features:
- Filtered search by item name
- Improved usability

SafeBox encrypted

SafeBox encrypted free (limited version)

mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

Next feature ...

Hi everyone !
The next feature in SafeBox encrypted will be a search field to filter the list items by name ... something like this...


martedì 7 febbraio 2012

New feature in SafeBox encrypted: support for long text !

Hi everyone !
A new feature has been added to SafeBox encrypted !
By touching the icon in the bottom right of each list item, it's possible to visualize the item content in a scollable view. This feature is usefull to manage long text in the item content.

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012

This is my first post on my new Blog !
Look the Apps page to get more information about my works !

Greetings to all !